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Stone Sculptures, Busts

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About Stone Sculptures, Busts : "I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free." (Michelangelo). Sculpture is not just a building or environmental decoration material, it is an art work. Even with the new generation of high-tech machines, creativity is still required for a stunning sculpture. The sculptures, which were completed in a few hours with CNC machines today, used to take a long time for artists who worked finely with hand tools. But, most likely CNC machines are not looking for angels in the marble, they are just copying the picture you uploaded to the computer. In Stonecontact.com you can find all kinds of natural stone carved classic and abstract sculptures and busts at the best prices and directly from the factories or wholesalers, and you can even buy custom sculptures.

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Questions & Answers on Stone Sculptures, Busts

What stone is most popular for carving?

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Marble has been the most preferred stone for carving since the time of the ancient Greeks. Marble is moderately hard to work. Marble will hold very fine detail.

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How much do stone hand carvings cost?

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The hand carved stone sculptures range in price from $5,000 to $60,000. Pricing is based on the complexity of the design and the size of the piece. Granite, sandstone and marble demand special tools to carve and shape and require many hours of work to arrive at the finished piece.

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What tools are used to hand-carve stone?

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The principal stone carving tools needed by the sculptor include the point chisel, tooth chisel (rake), the flat straight chisel and a hammer, all of varying sizes and weights. Don't forget your protective goggles and gloves!

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Which stones are easiest for hand carving?

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Soapstone, Alabaster, Sandstone! Soapstone, with a Mohs hardness of about 2, is an easily worked stone, commonly used by beginning students of stone carving. Alabaster and softer kinds of serpentine, all about 3 on the Mohs scale, are more durable than soapstone. Alabaster, in particular, has long been cherished for its translucence.

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What is the softest rock to hand-carve?

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Soapstone is the softest of carving stones, followed by alabaster; marble and granite, are the hardest and typically carved by professionals.

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Can I carve Onyx?

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As long as you don't hit the hammer on your hand, why not? Onyx is a beautiful, unique stone type that can be hand carved to form many different home decor aesthetic pieces.

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What is the meaning of abstract sculpture?

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Imagine Pablo Picasso working in 3D! Abstract art is art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colours, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.

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