Özmerter Onyx Travertine provides quality and reliable service that is working to become one of the leading companies in the industry. Our company always creates priority in the direction of customers and
customers's demands and continues the necessary research and development activities accordingly.
Özmerter Onyx Travertine , with TİGER,RED and KASMIR ONYX variety, takes part in select project that is carrying out on the World by doing block production between 6000 and 7000 tonnes per year.
Also, YELLOW TRAVERTİNE which in many project shows up andput a new face on with rich use, unrolls natural and healthy livingspaces elegantly by making between 8000 and 10000 tonnes per year.
Özmerter keeps up with all legal requirement related tooccupational health and safety and makes it part of the corporateculture.It takes all precautions without occuring accident andoccupational diseases thanks to systematic approaches.
It shows the necessary sensitivity to nature and human, at the same time continues its activities by increasing its capacity with all the innovations the necessities of the time.
The supplier's company certificate has been verified by StoneContact.Com.

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