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Company Description
Onur Marble was established in Finike – Antalya region in 1997 and opened its 6.000 sqm factory in 2005 with Italian technology. Our company is specialized in quarrying limestone blocks and producing flat and thin slabs besides various tiles and construction stones for large and medium sized projects.
We, as Onur Marble Co. Are major limestone producerin Turkey. We are genuinely specialized in limestones with our two limestone quarries; Cremo Classic and Cremo Cloudy. Both limestone types has cream color base with their unique specialties. Classic type has small fossils inside on the other side Cloudy type has smooth and darker shade movements on its base. Onur Marble Co. holds ISO 9001 Certificate since 2008 and keeps on procurement studies of quality process and customer satisfaction.
Our Mission is to become a corporate which can over-satisfy its costumers’ needs with the highest values.
Our Vision is to become an international player which has modernized management, high quality standards and just-in-time production for delivery on time to have high reputation in the international market.
We as Onur Marble Co. are doing our best to reach the satisfaction of our clients and to establish a continuous longterm business relation with them.
Onur Mermer 1997 yilinda Antalya’nin Finike bolgesinde kurulmus ve 6.000 m2 alana kurulu fabrikasini Italyan teknolojisi ile 2005 yilinda faaliyete gecirmistir. Limestone uzerinde uzman firmamiz blok, plaka ve fayans uretimi yaparak orta ve buyuk olcekli projelerinizde siz musterilerimize hizmet vermektedir.
Onur Mermer olarak Turkiye’de Limestone uretimi konusunda en onemli ureticilerden biridir. Iki farkli Limestone ocagimizdan Cremo Classic ve Cremo Cloudy olmak uzere iki cesit Limestone cikarilmaktadir. Krem rengi zemin rengine sahip her iki tasimizin da kendine ozgu farkliliklari bulunmaktadir. Cremo Classic tasimizin dokusunda fosil yapilari bulunurken diger taraftan Cremo Cloudy tasimizin dokusunda yumusak golgeli gecisler bulunmaktadir.
Onur Mermer 2008 yilindan bu yana ISO 9001 belgesi sahibi olmakla beraber kalite prosedurleri ve musteri memnuniyeti konusunda calismalarini surdurmektedir.
Misyonumuz; musteri memnuniyetini esas alan bir partner olarak siz degerli musterilerimizin taleplerine en iyi sekilde cevap verebilmek.
Vizyonumuz; modern isletmemiz, yuksek kalite ve hizmet standartlarimizla, planli uretim ve zamaninda teslimat politikamizla uluslar arasi platformda soz sahibi olmak.
Onur Mermer olarak degerli musterilerimizin taleplerini en iyi sekilde karsilayarak uzun sureli is iliskisinin kurulmasi icin elimizden geleni yapmaktan mutluluk duyariz.
We, as Onur Marble Co. Are major limestone producerin Turkey. We are genuinely specialized in limestones with our two limestone quarries; Cremo Classic and Cremo Cloudy. Both limestone types has cream color base with their unique specialties. Classic type has small fossils inside on the other side Cloudy type has smooth and darker shade movements on its base. Onur Marble Co. holds ISO 9001 Certificate since 2008 and keeps on procurement studies of quality process and customer satisfaction.
Our Mission is to become a corporate which can over-satisfy its costumers’ needs with the highest values.
Our Vision is to become an international player which has modernized management, high quality standards and just-in-time production for delivery on time to have high reputation in the international market.
We as Onur Marble Co. are doing our best to reach the satisfaction of our clients and to establish a continuous longterm business relation with them.
Onur Mermer 1997 yilinda Antalya’nin Finike bolgesinde kurulmus ve 6.000 m2 alana kurulu fabrikasini Italyan teknolojisi ile 2005 yilinda faaliyete gecirmistir. Limestone uzerinde uzman firmamiz blok, plaka ve fayans uretimi yaparak orta ve buyuk olcekli projelerinizde siz musterilerimize hizmet vermektedir.
Onur Mermer olarak Turkiye’de Limestone uretimi konusunda en onemli ureticilerden biridir. Iki farkli Limestone ocagimizdan Cremo Classic ve Cremo Cloudy olmak uzere iki cesit Limestone cikarilmaktadir. Krem rengi zemin rengine sahip her iki tasimizin da kendine ozgu farkliliklari bulunmaktadir. Cremo Classic tasimizin dokusunda fosil yapilari bulunurken diger taraftan Cremo Cloudy tasimizin dokusunda yumusak golgeli gecisler bulunmaktadir.
Onur Mermer 2008 yilindan bu yana ISO 9001 belgesi sahibi olmakla beraber kalite prosedurleri ve musteri memnuniyeti konusunda calismalarini surdurmektedir.
Misyonumuz; musteri memnuniyetini esas alan bir partner olarak siz degerli musterilerimizin taleplerine en iyi sekilde cevap verebilmek.
Vizyonumuz; modern isletmemiz, yuksek kalite ve hizmet standartlarimizla, planli uretim ve zamaninda teslimat politikamizla uluslar arasi platformda soz sahibi olmak.
Onur Mermer olarak degerli musterilerimizin taleplerini en iyi sekilde karsilayarak uzun sureli is iliskisinin kurulmasi icin elimizden geleni yapmaktan mutluluk duyariz.