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About Memorials : For Whom the Bell Tolls. No man is an island entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee. The bells are tolls for those who will allow you to live a happy life with your loved ones, with your children, and who will never be middle-aged or old, and will never be a father (mother), and will always be 24, 25, 26,.. years old. And we, in order not to forget them, to keep their memories alive, we must erect monumental memorials, so that they are not forgotten. For us to bow in reverence before their courage. Memorials link the past to the present and enable people to remember and respect the sacrifice of those who died, fought, participated or were affected by conflicts. Memorials can be an important source of information for young people in understanding the sacrifices made by past generations.

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Questions & Answers on Memorials

How long do granite memorials last?

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While technically some granites are harder than others, any granite will essentially last forever. Therefore, your granite memorial should look and weigh the same today as it would in 100,000 years or more

Answered by StoneContact


What is the best material for making memorials?

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Granite is one of the most widely-accepted materials for making memorials and grave markers globally, thanks to its increased durability and aesthetic appeal.

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What is the cenotaph?

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Cenotaph is a monument erected to honour the dead whose bodies lie elsewhere, especially for members of the armed forces who died in battle.

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Do they have war memorials in Germany?

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Germany has no monuments that celebrate the Nazi armed forces, however many grandfathers fought or fell for them. Instead, it has a dizzying number and variety of monuments to the victims of its murderous racism.

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What does "glorious dead" mean?

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Cenotaph means 'empty tomb'. It symbolises the unprecedented losses suffered during the First World War and is dedicated to 'The Glorious Dead'. There are no names inscribed on the Cenotaph, which allowed individuals to assign their own meaning to the memorial.

Answered by StoneContact



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