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Conglomerate Blocks

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About Conglomerate Blocks : Conglomerate Stone is a sedimentary rock composed of rounded pebbles and sand, usually cemented with silica, calcite, or iron oxide. Conglomerate sedimentary rock is a natural stone similar to sandstone, but the rock particles are angular gravel or rounded rather than sand. Stonecontact.com, you can find all kinds of Conglomerate Stone blocks and boulders in various sizes and colors at the best prices and directly from the quarry owners.

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Questions & Answers on Conglomerate Blocks

Which type of rock is conglomerate?

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Conglomerates are clastic sedimentary rock that contains mostly pebble-size rounded clasts. The spaces between the clasts are generally filled with smaller particles and/or chemical cement that then binds and formed the rock matrices together.

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What is conglomerate used for?

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Conglomerate can be used as a fill material for roads and construction. Some hard conglomerate rock may be cut and polished to make dimension stone.

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Do conglomerate rocks have fossils?

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Conglomerate and breccia rocks do provide fossils periodically, however, in the pebbles that make up the rocks. Some fossils found in conglomerate and breccia rocks include sponges, brachiopods and gastropods.

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