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Additional Names:Ap Black Galaxy Granite,Black Galaxi Granite,Black Star Granite,Galaxi Black Granite,Galaxy Black Granite,Galaxy Gold Granite,Galaxy Star Granite,Gold Star Galaxy Granite,Nero Galaxy Granite,Nero Star Galaxi Granite,Nero Star Galaxy Granite,Star Galaxi Granite,India Black Gold Granite,In China Stone Market: 黑金沙(Hēi Jīnshā)Ap Black Galaxy Granite,Black Galaxi Granite,Black Star Granite,Galaxi Black Granite,Galaxy Black Granite,Galaxy Gold Granite,Galaxy Star Granite,Gold Star Galaxy Granite,Nero Galaxy Granite,Nero Star Galaxi Granite,Nero Star Galaxy Granite,Star Galaxi Granite,India Black Gold Granite,In China Stone Market: 黑金沙(Hēi Jīnshā)
India -Granite
Additional Names:Amazon Black Granite,Forest Black Granite,Lava Vechia Granite,Silver Paradiso GraniteAmazon Black Granite,Forest Black Granite,Lava Vechia Granite,Silver Paradiso Granite
Brazil -Granite
Additional Names:Fior Di Bosco,Etruscan Grey Marble,Marmi Etruscan Grigio,Fior Di Pesco Grigio Marble,Fior Di Bosco Marble,Fiore Di Bosco Marble,Marmo Grigio Fior Di Bosco,Grey Fleury Marble,In China Stone Market:费耶邸罗莎(Fèi Yé Liú Luō Shā)- 帕斯高灰(Pà Sī Gāo Huī)Fior Di Bosco,Etruscan Grey Marble,Marmi Etruscan Grigio,Fior Di Pesco Grigio Marble,Fior Di Bosco Marble,Fiore Di Bosco Marble,Marmo Grigio Fior Di Bosco,Grey Fleury Marble,In China Stone Market:费耶邸罗莎(Fèi Yé Liú Luō Shā)- 帕斯高灰(Pà Sī Gāo Huī)
Italy -Marble
Additional Names:White Colonial Granite,Buckingham White Granite,New Imperial White Granite,Platinum White Granite,Indian Bianco Romano GraniteWhite Colonial Granite,Buckingham White Granite,New Imperial White Granite,Platinum White Granite,Indian Bianco Romano Granite
India -Granite
Additional Names:White Volakas Marble,Branco Volakas Marble,Dramas White Marble,Macedonian White Marble,Volakas Drama White Marble,Volakas Dramas White Marble,Volakas White Marble,Volaks Marble,Jazz White Marble,In China Stone Market: 爵士白(Juéshì Bái)White Volakas Marble,Branco Volakas Marble,Dramas White Marble,Macedonian White Marble,Volakas Drama White Marble,Volakas Dramas White Marble,Volakas White Marble,Volaks Marble,Jazz White Marble,In China Stone Market: 爵士白(Juéshì Bái)
Greece -Marble
Additional Names:Nero Portoro,Black Portoro Marble,Marmo Portoto Nero Giallo,Portoro Nero Marmo,Portoro Macchia Larga Marble,Nero Portoro Vena Larga Marble,Nero Portoro Macchia Larga,Portoro Macchia Grande Marble,Portoro Macchia Oro Marble,Nero Portoro Vena Fine Marble,Portoro Macchia Fine Marble,Portoro Extra Marble,Portoro Nero Giallo Marble,Portoro Gold Marble,Marmor Port D'or,Porte-Or Marble,Nero Portoro Marble,In China Stone Market:黑金花(Hēijīn Huā),意大利金花(Yìdàlì Jīn Huā)Nero Portoro,Black Portoro Marble,Marmo Portoto Nero Giallo,Portoro Nero Marmo,Portoro Macchia Larga Marble,Nero Portoro Vena Larga Marble,Nero Portoro Macchia Larga,Portoro Macchia Grande Marble,Portoro Macchia Oro Marble,Nero Portoro Vena Fine Marble,Portoro Macchia Fine Marble,Portoro Extra Marble,Portoro Nero Giallo Marble,Portoro Gold Marble,Marmor Port D'or,Porte-Or Marble,Nero Portoro Marble,In China Stone Market:黑金花(Hēijīn Huā),意大利金花(Yìdàlì Jīn Huā)
Italy -Marble
Additional Names:Baltic Gray,Baltic Grey Marble,Afyon Gray Marble,Gray Baltic Marble,Afyon Grey MarbleBaltic Gray,Baltic Grey Marble,Afyon Gray Marble,Gray Baltic Marble,Afyon Grey Marble
Turkey -Marble
Additional Names:Mramor Sahara Noir,Marbre Noir Sahara,Marmo Nero Sahara,Nero Dorato Marble,Marmo Nero Tunisi,Black Aziza Marble,Noir Gris Aziza Marbre,Noir Aziza Marble,Nero Aziza Marble,Marmo Negro Aziza,Black Sahara Marble,Sahara Black MarbleMramor Sahara Noir,Marbre Noir Sahara,Marmo Nero Sahara,Nero Dorato Marble,Marmo Nero Tunisi,Black Aziza Marble,Noir Gris Aziza Marbre,Noir Aziza Marble,Nero Aziza Marble,Marmo Negro Aziza,Black Sahara Marble,Sahara Black Marble
Tunisia -Marble
Additional Names:G3564 Granite,Luna Pearl Granite,Luoyuan Bainbrook Brown Granite,Black Spots Brown Granite,Copper Brown Granite,Fu Rose Granite,Loyuan Red Granite,Luo Yuan Violet Granite,Luoyuan Violet Granite,Majestic Mauve Granite,Misty Brown Granite,Purple Pearl Granite,China Ruby Red Granite,Sunset Pink Granite,Tea Brown Granite,Vibrant Rose Granite,Violet Granite,In China Stone Market:罗源紫罗红(Luō Yuán Zǐ Luó Hóng),罗源红(Luōyuánhóng)G3564 Granite,Luna Pearl Granite,Luoyuan Bainbrook Brown Granite,Black Spots Brown Granite,Copper Brown Granite,Fu Rose Granite,Loyuan Red Granite,Luo Yuan Violet Granite,Luoyuan Violet Granite,Majestic Mauve Granite,Misty Brown Granite,Purple Pearl Granite,China Ruby Red Granite,Sunset Pink Granite,Tea Brown Granite,Vibrant Rose Granite,Violet Granite,In China Stone Market:罗源紫罗红(Luō Yuán Zǐ Luó Hóng),罗源红(Luōyuánhóng)
China -Granite
Additional Names:Madagascar Labradorite Blue Granite,Labradorite Blue Green Granite,Labradorite Madagaskar Granite,Labradorite Green Granite,Tsoa Pearl Granite,Labradorite Blue Flower Granite,Labradorite Azul Granite,Madagascar Labradorite GraniteMadagascar Labradorite Blue Granite,Labradorite Blue Green Granite,Labradorite Madagaskar Granite,Labradorite Green Granite,Tsoa Pearl Granite,Labradorite Blue Flower Granite,Labradorite Azul Granite,Madagascar Labradorite Granite
Madagascar -Granite
Additional Names:Volga Black Granite,Blue Volga Granite,Volga Blue Extra Dark Granite,Labradorit Volga Blue Granite,Labradorit Blue Granite,Volga Extra Blue Granite,In China Stone Market:皇家蓝(Huángjiā Lán),乌克兰钻(Wūkèlán Zuān)Volga Black Granite,Blue Volga Granite,Volga Blue Extra Dark Granite,Labradorit Volga Blue Granite,Labradorit Blue Granite,Volga Extra Blue Granite,In China Stone Market:皇家蓝(Huángjiā Lán),乌克兰钻(Wūkèlán Zuān)
Ukraine -Granite
Additional Names:White Cristallo Quartzite,Golden Jade Quartzite,Cristal White Quartzite,Cristallo Extra White Quartzite,Cristalo Quartzite,Cristallo Branco Quartzite,Blanco Cristallo,Bianco Cristallo Quartzite,Cristallo White Quartzite,Crystallo Quartzite,In China Stone Market:金丝玉(Jīn Sī Yù)White Cristallo Quartzite,Golden Jade Quartzite,Cristal White Quartzite,Cristallo Extra White Quartzite,Cristalo Quartzite,Cristallo Branco Quartzite,Blanco Cristallo,Bianco Cristallo Quartzite,Cristallo White Quartzite,Crystallo Quartzite,In China Stone Market:金丝玉(Jīn Sī Yù)
Brazil -Quartzite
Additional Names:Crema Marfil,Cream Marfil Beige Marble,Crema Marfil Standard Marble,Crema Marfil Ivory Marble,Crema Marfil Florido Marble,Crema Marfil Aitana Marble,Crema Marfil Semi Select Marble,Crema Marfil Select Marble,Crema Marfil Classico Marble,Crema Marfil Zafra Marble,Crema Marfil Coto Marble,Crema Marfil Mallado Marble,Crema Sierra Puerta Marble,Crema Marfil Sierra Puerta,Pacific Marfil,In China Stone Market: 西班牙米黄(Xībānyá Mǐhuáng)Crema Marfil,Cream Marfil Beige Marble,Crema Marfil Standard Marble,Crema Marfil Ivory Marble,Crema Marfil Florido Marble,Crema Marfil Aitana Marble,Crema Marfil Semi Select Marble,Crema Marfil Select Marble,Crema Marfil Classico Marble,Crema Marfil Zafra Marble,Crema Marfil Coto Marble,Crema Marfil Mallado Marble,Crema Sierra Puerta Marble,Crema Marfil Sierra Puerta,Pacific Marfil,In China Stone Market: 西班牙米黄(Xībānyá Mǐhuáng)
Spain - Marble
Additional Names:Rainforest Green,Bidasar Green Marble,Rain Forest Green Light Marble,Bidazar Green Marble,Fancy Green Marble,Forest Green Marble,Green Bidasar Marble,Green Glory Marble,Green Multicolor Marble,Bidaser Green Marble,Mirage Green Marble,Picasso Green Marble,Radhika Green Marble,Rainforest Green Marble,Splendore Serata Marble,Rain Forest Green Marble,Marmol Verde Bosque,In China Stone Market:雨林啡(Yǔlín Fēi)Rainforest Green,Bidasar Green Marble,Rain Forest Green Light Marble,Bidazar Green Marble,Fancy Green Marble,Forest Green Marble,Green Bidasar Marble,Green Glory Marble,Green Multicolor Marble,Bidaser Green Marble,Mirage Green Marble,Picasso Green Marble,Radhika Green Marble,Rainforest Green Marble,Splendore Serata Marble,Rain Forest Green Marble,Marmol Verde Bosque,In China Stone Market:雨林啡(Yǔlín Fēi)
India - Marble
Additional Names:Iceberg White Quartzite,Ice Flake Quartzite,Cristallo Iceberg QuartziteIceberg White Quartzite,Ice Flake Quartzite,Cristallo Iceberg Quartzite
Brazil - Quartzite
Additional Names:White Thunder Granite,Thunder GraniteWhite Thunder Granite,Thunder Granite
Brazil - Granite
Additional Names:Burdur Cream Marble,Bbcn Burdur Beige Marble,Burdur Gur Beige Marble,Burdur Bej Mermeri,Burdur Beige Crema Bella Marble,Burdur Beige Pearl Marble,Burdur Beige Botanica Marble,Burdur Beige,Lightning Beige Marble,Shandian Beige Marble,Baiyulan Beige Marble,In China Stone Market:闪电米黄(Shǎndiàn Mǐhuáng)Burdur Cream Marble,Bbcn Burdur Beige Marble,Burdur Gur Beige Marble,Burdur Bej Mermeri,Burdur Beige Crema Bella Marble,Burdur Beige Pearl Marble,Burdur Beige Botanica Marble,Burdur Beige,Lightning Beige Marble,Shandian Beige Marble,Baiyulan Beige Marble,In China Stone Market:闪电米黄(Shǎndiàn Mǐhuáng)
Turkey - Marble
Additional Names:Bosy Gray Marble,Persian Grey Marble,Grey Pietra Marble,Pietra Grey Marble,Grey Crystal Marble,Pietra Grigio Marble,Graphite Grey Marble,Petra Gray Marble,Persian Nero Marquina Marble,Persian Marquina Black Marble,Shakespeare Gray Marble,Shakespeare Grey Marble,Shakespeare Ashes Marble,In China Stone Market:彼得拉灰色(Bǐde Lā Huīsè),莎士比亚灰(Shāshìbǐyǎ Huī)Bosy Gray Marble,Persian Grey Marble,Grey Pietra Marble,Pietra Grey Marble,Grey Crystal Marble,Pietra Grigio Marble,Graphite Grey Marble,Petra Gray Marble,Persian Nero Marquina Marble,Persian Marquina Black Marble,Shakespeare Gray Marble,Shakespeare Grey Marble,Shakespeare Ashes Marble,In China Stone Market:彼得拉灰色(Bǐde Lā Huīsè),莎士比亚灰(Shāshìbǐyǎ Huī)
Iran - Marble
Additional Names:Arabescatto Marble,Marmo Arabescato Di Carrara,Bianco Arabescato Marble,Arabascato Bianco Marble,Arabescato Bianco Marble,Arabescato Carrara Marble,Arabescato Classico Marble,In China Stone Market:瓦利大花白(Wǎ Lì Dà Huābái)Arabescatto Marble,Marmo Arabescato Di Carrara,Bianco Arabescato Marble,Arabascato Bianco Marble,Arabescato Bianco Marble,Arabescato Carrara Marble,Arabescato Classico Marble,In China Stone Market:瓦利大花白(Wǎ Lì Dà Huābái)
Italy - Marble
Additional Names:Serpeggiante Beige Marble,Serpeggiante Italia Marble,Serpegiante Marble,Serpeggiante Classico Marble,Serpegiante Silvabella Marble,Serpegiante Silvabella Classico Marble,Silvabella Marble,Serpegiante Righina Marble,Serpegiante Chiaro Marble,Visone Marble,Filetto Rosso Classico Marble,Trani Serpeggiante Marble,Serpeggiante Chiaro Silvabella,Serpeggiante Trani Marble,In China Stone Market:木纹石(Mù Wén Shí),意大利木纹(Yìdàlì Mù Wén)Serpeggiante Beige Marble,Serpeggiante Italia Marble,Serpegiante Marble,Serpeggiante Classico Marble,Serpegiante Silvabella Marble,Serpegiante Silvabella Classico Marble,Silvabella Marble,Serpegiante Righina Marble,Serpegiante Chiaro Marble,Visone Marble,Filetto Rosso Classico Marble,Trani Serpeggiante Marble,Serpeggiante Chiaro Silvabella,Serpeggiante Trani Marble,In China Stone Market:木纹石(Mù Wén Shí),意大利木纹(Yìdàlì Mù Wén)
Italy - Marble
Additional Names:Lubango Black Granite,Angola Blue Star Granite,Labrador D`Angola Granite,Blue Night Granite,Midnight Blue Granite,Metarocha Granite,Blues in the Night Granite,Blue Diamond Granite,In China Stone Market:蓝金刚(Lán Jīngāng)Lubango Black Granite,Angola Blue Star Granite,Labrador D`Angola Granite,Blue Night Granite,Midnight Blue Granite,Metarocha Granite,Blues in the Night Granite,Blue Diamond Granite,In China Stone Market:蓝金刚(Lán Jīngāng)
Angola - Granite
Additional Names:Chamrajnagar Black Granite,Absolute Black India Granite,India Black Granite,Karnataka Black Granite,Black Absolute Granite,Nero Assoluto India Granite,Super Black Granite,Premium Black Granite,In China Stone Market::印度黑(Yìndù Hēi)Chamrajnagar Black Granite,Absolute Black India Granite,India Black Granite,Karnataka Black Granite,Black Absolute Granite,Nero Assoluto India Granite,Super Black Granite,Premium Black Granite,In China Stone Market::印度黑(Yìndù Hēi)
India - Granite
Additional Names:Riyadh Beige Stone,Riyadh Limestone,El Riyadh Stone,Jabal Tuwayq Stone,Tuwayq Stone,Jabal Tuwayq Stone,Desert Beige Stone,Desert Beige LimestoneRiyadh Beige Stone,Riyadh Limestone,El Riyadh Stone,Jabal Tuwayq Stone,Tuwayq Stone,Jabal Tuwayq Stone,Desert Beige Stone,Desert Beige Limestone
Saudi Arabia - Limestone
Additional Names:Pearl White Granite,G3609 Granite,G456 Granite,G629 Granite,G896 Granite,Lily White Granite,Lilly White Granite,Zhenzhu Bai Granite,Pearl Flower White Granite,Chinese White Pearl Granite,Jiangxi Granite,In China Stone Market:珍珠白(Zhēnzhū Bái)Pearl White Granite,G3609 Granite,G456 Granite,G629 Granite,G896 Granite,Lily White Granite,Lilly White Granite,Zhenzhu Bai Granite,Pearl Flower White Granite,Chinese White Pearl Granite,Jiangxi Granite,In China Stone Market:珍珠白(Zhēnzhū Bái)
China - Granite
Are there color variations of Namibia's Diabas Omenje Granite?Yes, there are color variations of Namibias Diabas Omenje Granite. The granite typically comes in shades of dark green or black, but there may be variations in the intensity of color, presence of patterns or veins, and overall appearance. Some stones may have lighter or darker patches, flecks of other colors, or different textures, which adds to the beauty and uniqueness of each piece.Read More
Is India's Verde Venato Granite an expensive stone?I dont have access to current pricing data. However, the cost of Verde Venato Granite can vary based on factors such as the quality, availability, and demand. It is always advisable to check the current market rates and consult with a professional before making a purchase.Read More
Can Brazil's Cocada Green Quartzite be used in a bathroom?Yes, Brazils Cocada Green Quartzite can be used in a bathroom. It is a durable and moisture-resistant material that can withstand the humid environment of a bathroom. However, it is important to seal the stone properly to prevent any staining or damage from water and other bathroom products.Read More
Can Hungary's Mediterranean Gold Limestone be used in landscaping?Yes, Hungarys Mediterranean Gold Limestone can be used in landscaping. It is a type of limestone with a beautiful golden color and unique patterns, making it an attractive choice for various landscaping projects. It can be used for pathways, patios, garden walls, stone structures, and other outdoor features. The durability and natural aesthetic of the limestone make it a versatile option for landscaping design.Read More
What grade is Brazil's Amarelo Real Granite?I cannot access current information. However, typically granite is not graded by a number or letter system like some other materials. The value and quality of granite are determined by factors such as color, pattern, and overall appearance. Brazilian Amarelo Real Granite is considered a higher-end stone due to its unique golden and yellowish tones.Read More
How can I make Golden Rose Cream Marble floors not slippery?There are several steps you can take to reduce the slipperiness of Golden Rose Cream Marble floors: 1. Clean the floor regularly: Regular cleaning helps remove any dirt or dust that may make the floor more slippery. Use a pH-neutral cleaner specifically formulated for marble surfaces and follow the manufacturers instructions. 2. Use non-slip rugs or mats: Place non-slip rugs or mats in high-traffic areas, such as entryways or bathrooms, to provide an extra layer of traction and absorb any moisture from shoes or spills. 3. Apply a marble floor sealer: Use a specifically designed marble floor sealer to create an invisible protective barrier on the surface, which can reduce the slipperiness of the marble. Follow the manufacturers instructions for application and reapplication. 4. Implement non-slip treatments: Non-slip treatments like anti-slip coatings or polishes can be applied to the marble floor. These products are designed to increase the traction of the floor surface and reduce the risk of slipping. Ensure that you use products specifically formulated for marble. 5. Keep the floor dry: Wipe up any spills or moisture immediately to prevent the marble floor from becoming slippery. Place absorbent mats near sinks or bathtubs to absorb excess water. 6. Use appropriate footwear: Avoid walking on the marble floor with wet or slippery shoes. Opt for clean, dry footwear or slip-resistant shoes to minimize the risk of slipping. Remember, marble is naturally more slippery than other flooring materials, so it is essential to take precautions to reduce slipperiness and prevent accidents.Read More
Are there color variations of Finland's Amadeus Granite?Yes, there can be variations in the color of Finlands Amadeus Granite. The base color of Amadeus Granite is typically a light grey or white, but it can also have varying shades of pink, brown, or black minerals scattered throughout the stone. These natural variations in color are due to the different mineral compositions and geological formations that occur during the granites formation process. Each slab of Amadeus Granite can have its own unique combination of colors and patterns, making it a sought-after choice for countertop and flooring applications.Read More
Is Celeste Argentina Marble an expensive stone?I do not have access to current market prices for specific stones. However, marble is generally considered a luxury building material and tends to be more expensive than other types of natural stone. The price of Celeste Argentina Marble would depend on factors such as availability, quality, and market demand.Read More
Is Brazil's Angel White Granite an expensive stone?I dont have access to real-time market prices of the Angel White Granite in Brazil. However, granite is generally considered one of the more affordable natural stone countertop options. The cost can vary depending on various factors such as the quality, color, and availability of the stone. It is best to consult with a professional granite supplier for accurate pricing information.Read More
Is Iran's Andezit Grey Andesite an expensive stone?I dont have access to the current market price of stones. However, the price of Andesite Grey stone can vary depending on various factors such as quality, quantity, location, and supplier. Its recommended to seek advice from a professional in the stone industry or a supplier for current prices and information.Read More
Can India's Lotus Green Granite be used in landscaping?Yes, Indias Lotus Green Granite can be used in landscaping. It is a durable and versatile natural stone that is commonly used for various landscaping applications such as paving, walkways, retaining walls, garden edging, and decorative features. Its attractive green color with specks of grey and black adds an aesthetic appeal to outdoor spaces. Additionally, its resistance to weathering and low maintenance requirements make it a popular choice for landscaping projects.Read More
Can Turkey's Zebrina Marble be used exterior applications in very dusty climates?Turkeys Zebrina Marble can be used for exterior applications in dusty climates, but it may require some additional care and maintenance. Marble is a natural stone that can be affected by weathering, environmental factors, and dust accumulation. In dusty climates, the marble may require regular cleaning to prevent dust buildup and maintain its appearance. Regular cleaning with a mild detergent and water, along with periodic pressure washing, can help remove dust and keep the surface clean. It is also important to seal the marble properly to protect it from dust, stains, and other potential damage. A good quality impregnating sealer specifically designed for marble is recommended. The sealer should be applied periodically, as instructed by the manufacturer, to maintain its protective properties. In extremely dusty climates, it may be necessary to clean the marble more frequently and take additional measures such as installing covers or implementing preventive measures to reduce dust accumulation on the surface. Overall, while Turkeys Zebrina Marble can be used for exterior applications in dusty climates, it is important to maintain regular cleaning and sealing routines to ensure its durability and aesthetic appeal.Read More
Is China's Brown Grain Granite an expensive stone?I dont have d pricing information for various granite types, but Brown Grain Granite is a natural stone, so its price varies depending on factors such as type, quality, availability, and supplier. However, in general, granite is considered one of the more expensive natural stones due to its durability, uniqueness, and appeal.Read More
Can Italy's Bianco Maremma Travertine be used outdoors?Yes, Italys Bianco Maremma Travertine can be used outdoors. Travertine is a highly durable and weather-resistant natural stone, making it an excellent choice for outdoor applications such as patios, pool decks, and walkways. However, it is important to note that travertine is a porous material, and sealing it is recommended to protect it from stains and the effects of weathering.Read More
Can Portugal's Marron Monchique Granite be used in a bathroom?Yes, Portugals Marron Monchique Granite can be used in a bathroom. Granite is a durable and water-resistant material that makes it suitable for use in wet areas like bathrooms. It can be used for countertops, backsplashes, vanity tops, and even as tiles for flooring or wall cladding. With proper sealing and maintenance, Marron Monchique Granite can add a luxurious and sophisticated touch to your bathroom.Read More
How thick is China's Visa Gold Granite slabs?The thickness of Chinas Visa Gold Granite slabs can vary depending on customer preferences and requirements. Generally, granite slabs have thicknesses ranging from 2 centimeters (0.75 inches) to 3 centimeters (1.25 inches). However, it is recommended to consult with the supplier or manufacturer to determine the exact thickness options available for Chinas Visa Gold Granite slabs.Read More
Can India's P White Granite be used exterior applications in hot climates?Yes, Indias P White Granite can be used for exterior applications in hot climates. Granite is a durable and heat-resistant natural stone that is suitable for outdoor use. It can withstand high temperatures and is not affected by extreme weather conditions such as UV rays, direct sunlight, or heat. Additionally, granite is resistant to staining, scratching, and fading, making it an ideal choice for outdoor surfaces in hot climates.Read More
Can Iran's Lightning Marble be used in a bathroom?I do not have the expertise to determine the specific guidelines for using materials in a bathroom. However, based on the information available online, it appears that certain types of stone, including Lightning Marble, can be used in bathroom areas. However, it is important to consider factors such as water absorption, slip-resistance, and maintenance requirements before using any natural stone in a wet environment. Consult with a professional before making a final decision.Read More
How thick is China's Pearl Flower Granite slabs?The thickness of Chinas Pearl Flower Granite slabs can typically vary between 2 centimeters (0.79 inches) and 3 centimeters (1.18 inches). However, its important to note that the thickness can be customized based on individual preferences and requirements.Read More
Are there color variations of Greece's Rosa Egeo Marble?Yes, there are color variations of Greeces Rosa Egeo Marble. It can range from light pink to dark pink with occasional white veining. Some slabs may have more pronounced veining or be more uniform in color. The exact color variation can depend on the specific quarry and location where the marble is sourced.Read More